Global Lithuanian Leaders kartu su Lietuvos nacionaline radija ir televizija pristato diskusija: „Lietuva³. Lietuva: ateinantys 100 metų“.
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Global Lithuanian Leaders kartu su Lietuvos nacionaline radija ir televizija pristato diskusija: „Lietuva³. Lietuva: ateinantys 100 metų“.
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In this upcoming Digital Leaders webinar on February 28th, Michael Beaven (Digital Director at Methods Digital) will describe the approach he and his digital transformation team uses to map user-facing services delivered by public bodies in order to identify shared capabilities: Continue reading Delivering capability-driven public services, Webinar
Maloniai kviečiame š.m. birželio 17 dieną, antradienį, 10:00 – 11:30 dalyvauti aptarime – diskusijoje „Mokesčių administravimo gerinimas: Išmanioji mokesčių administravimo sistema i.MAS (Smart Taxation)“.
Prašome pranešti apie dalyvavimą iki birželio 16 dienos, 12 valandos.
Continue reading Kvietimas į diskusiją „Mokesčių administravimo gerinimas“
The inter-institutional discussion ”Are we willing and able to control IT?“ took place in Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania on May 7, attended by the heads of the state institutions related to development of information society in Lithuania, academic and business experts, representatives of non-governmental sector. Continue reading Discussion ”Are we willing and able to control IT?“
Technology is going to change everything, again. Digitalisation has already transformed our lives but a new wave of innovation is coming that will reshape the way we live, work and consume, redefining social systems, industrial competitiveness and democracy – pushing the boundaries of what we thought possible. Continue reading Summit: What does the digital future hold?
Bibliotheca Baltica Think Tank workshop took place in the National Library of Lithuania, on January 10. It aimed to use Bibliotheca Baltica Think Tank initiative to enhance implementation of Bibliotheca Baltica strategic activities. Continue reading Bibliotheca Baltica Think Tank workshop